Embassy Church
Embassy's Sunday Sermons
Prologue: The Puzzle of Jesus’ Parting

Prologue: The Puzzle of Jesus’ Parting

The 1st sermon in our Acts series “Acts: Our Church HIStory” preached Pastor Phill

Sermon Summary

In this introduction sermon to our brand new series in the book of Acts, we explore the puzzling nature of Jesus' parting as described in Luke 24:50-54, which serves as a bridge between the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. The sermon unfolds in three parts: 

1) We begin by examining the confusion and mystery surrounding Jesus’ departure from His disciples.

2) Next, we draw a parallel with Leviticus 9 and Zechariah’s unbelief in Luke 1, showing how Jesus’ priestly blessing as He ascends into heaven fulfills and surpasses the roles of the previous priests of Israel.

3) Finally, we discuss the paradoxical truth that, though Jesus ascended, His presence remains with us through the Holy Spirit, empowering the preaching of God's word to build the church.

This sermon sets the stage for our journey through the book of Acts, emphasizing that what Jesus began in Luke, He continues through the Spirit-filled mission of the church.

Sermon Outline:

  1. The Puzzling Parting

  2. The Priestly Parallel

  3. The Paradox of His Presence 

Sermon Text: Luke 24:50-53

50 And he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. 51 While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up into heaven. 52 And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, 53 and were continually in the temple blessing God.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is there joy after Jesus leaves?

2. How does Jesus' departure bring joy to His followers?

3. How does the joy of Jesus' leaving lead us to worship?

4. What does it mean to worship Jesus in light of His ascension?

5. What is the significance of Jesus remaining human after His ascension?

6. Why is it important to understand Jesus as fully human even after He ascends?

7. What is the importance of holding on to Jesus after He leaves?

8. How do we maintain our connection to Jesus after His physical departure?

9. How do we know that Jesus has not left us completely?

10. What assurances do we have of Jesus' ongoing presence?

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Embassy Church
Embassy's Sunday Sermons
Audio recordings and transcripts of the weekly Sunday sermons.